It was a wonderful day yesterday @ the sea (Wenduine - De Haan). I didn't take pictures but my bf took this one: 2 ladybirds having sex @ the platform, how romantic :p. They were in this position for like an hour and I wonder how long they could persist. Maybe the whole afternoon :p. How long does one "session" usually take? Can we speak in terms of 'mini'penis and 'mini'vagina? And how does this all look like? I will look this up as soon as I go to the library! Or maybe i'll ask my professor (euh..not :)) Stay tuned!
7 uur geleden
6 opmerkingen:
Geen zo'n goed nieuws dus...
Ladybirds are remarkably promiscuous. As many as a thousand individual ladybirds have been observed aggregating, apparently for the purpose of having sex – and apparently just for the hell of it. During these aggregations the beetles copulate often, but no ovipositing (egg-laying) females or larval ladybird beetles can be observed. Incidentally, ladybirds have the highest prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases of virtually any insect. And London ladybirds are top of the STD league, with more than 90 per cent being affected.
Blijkbaar zijn der nog beestjes die dit doen...
leuk hé... voyeurtje spelen ;)
Isn't nature wonderful??
Thanks for adding me! Your blog is great as well, and you are now on my blogroll too!
ohja, door deze pornografische foto te zien denk ik er plots aan: deze week zat in onze reclame een foldertje 'Willi's Shopping tips'! (don't ask Maxie, don't ask...)
met allerlei prachtige aanbiedingen: kortingen bij traprenovaties, het aankopen van Cypriotische euromunten, plaasteren beeldjes, munten van madame Soleil en ook erotischen brol.
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interesting photo. r they really having sex? hmmm... you have to post the answer.... : )
Fenome(a)naal :-o Maar een heel uur? Ik dacht dat enkel bonobo's rampetampten for fun (nu ja, ik weet het vrij zeker aangezien ik mijn prof. Dierenpsychologie in der tijd heftig wist te shockeren met een paper 'het sexuele gedrag bij de bonobo';-)...)? Of duurt dat een vol uur alvorens... ;-)
A whole lot of foreplay! Stel je voor :-o
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